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refuse letter

Dear Mr.Bambang

Thank you for your letter of june the 10th.After careful consideretion we regret that we are unable to offer an agency as we have already a representative in that area for many years and we are not thingking of changing the arrangement.

How ever, if you would like to concider a sub ageny for your town, for a one year trial period.

We would be happy to supply you from our main agency in the same town.

Thank you once again for your enquiry. If you agree with my offer as a sub-agency we would be very happy

Yours sincerely

active and passive voice

You have not paid your bill
your bill has not been paid

i will pick him up at 07.00 am
he will be picked up at 07.00 am

the board did not show immediate interest
no immediate interest was shown by the board

we cannot find any record of this account
no record of this account can be found

We will have to made salary cuts and shorten holidays
salary cuts will have to be made and holidays shortened

we have made a mistake and incurred a loss
a mistake has been made and a loss incurred

you have over drawn your account to the extent of 187 pounds.we have made arrangements to forward a statement
your account has been overdrawn to the extent of 187 pounds. arrangements have been made to have a statement forwarded to you so that your exact position can be checked

Practice making an enquiry and booking accommodation

I need a conference room for 8th days, from august 18th to 28th with a large room as there for 30 people attending the conference.
I need to have electric sockets for an overhead projector and screen.
Could you please confirmation that there will be buffet facilities.

tugas bahasa inggris (letter)

dear mr ioannou

reffering to your telex that sent to me on 18th august.
As far as i can see the developt of the company who want to taken over.
at present there is no need for concern because this is an internal problem who can family maintain control.
eventhough this company was taken over is still family relationship so dont worry about the company.
i can assure you this company removed there is no short from the capital.
i will investigated this problem with continous and if i hear anything to the contrary i will contact you again.
ari widyanto
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