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Asking For an extension of credit

Dear Mr. John,
Ref: your letter 30.11. JH/Cb
Thank you for your letter of January 11th. We fully appreciate your concern, and would like to assure you that we shall make every effort to settle our account with you in the immediate future. we wish to prpose the following:

Invoice 888/C, 999/G and 910/G- an immediate part payment of $5000, the balance to be paid by a bill of exchange third party guarantee to August 2nd.

Invoice 0101/C - We would like a six month extension of credit , on which we will pay interest.
As you know, there have been a serious problem with our production, but now has been resolved.for a moment and i hope absolutely resolve. We are now gradually increase our production. We have recently negotiated a substantial contract for a series of goods to be held throughout the next year. We have also been given special price with our product and also increase our quality of product.

In view of all these prospect we are confident that we shall be able to clear any outstanding debts.

Thank you for your assistance and patience, also your excellent services has given for us in the past.

your sincerely


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